Parenting & Visitation Access

Parenting & Visitation Access

Parenting & Visitation Access

Under section 16.2(1) of the Divorce Act specifies a period under which a parent is responsible for the child, including when the child is in daycare or school. In most cases the parenting time is shared between both parents in a way that is most beneficial to the child and takes into account their needs.

After separating, parents with children will need to come to a decision on where their children will live, go to school, and medical related questions. The parents have to also come up with a parenting plan and schedule, as well as if the parenting time will be in the form of supervised access or supervised parenting time.

How courts decide who gets custody?

  • Child’s emotional ties to parents
  • Child’s wishes
  • Which home has child been in longer and how stable home is
  • The parent’s willingness and ability in providing

Parenting time is not presumed but is rather given primary consideration as to the child’s physical, emotional, and psychological safety, security and well-being. If you feel that your parenting time is not enough then we can assist you in applying to have the time you get to spend with your children extended.

If you are looking at changing your parenting access or extending your time allowed to be spent with your child, we can help, just give us a call and speak with us today.